small pixel drawing of a pufferfish

update nowpage to be actually now
Jes Olson
Mon, 29 Apr 2024 11:28:30 -0400




2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)

jump to
M feed/feed.gofeed/feed.go

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ var lovelyFeedList = []string{

"", "", "", - "", "", "", "",
M templates/now.htmltemplates/now.html

@@ -2,129 +2,29 @@ {{ define "now.html" }}

{{ template "head" . }} {{ template "nav" . }} <div id="main"> -<h3>now</h3> -<p>this page descibes what i'm up to _now_</p> -<h4>books</h4> -<p>books i'm reading currently: +<h1>what jes doing??? ? ??</h1> +this is a <a href="">nowpage</a>, inspired by <a href="">derek sivers</a>. +<h2>starting over again</h2> +<p>i moved to southern virginia~ +<p>the people are different. the weather is different. the culture is different. i've never felt so out of water before - it forces me to confront fear daily. +<p>i think that's a good thing. virginia is for lovers. +<h2>leading with love</h2> +<p>i was recently promoted from an engineer -> people manager. +<p>i always resented programming for being logical and cold - my brain is not. +<p>my thoughts are soft, chaotic, feeling. i was born with my empathy in overdrive. my anxiety, too. +<p>i love growing people. i love taking pain for others. +<p>i love nearly everyone i talk to. +<p>i hope this doesn't kill me. +<h2>reading a few books</h2> {{- range $entry := .Data.CurrentBooks.ReadingLogEntries }} -<li> - <a href="{{ $entry.Work.Key }}">{{ $entry.Work.Title | toLower }}</a> -</li> +<ul> + <li> + <a href="{{ $entry.Work.Key }}">{{ $entry.Work.Title | toLower }}</a> + </li> +</ul> {{- end }} -</p> -<p> -books i have finished: <a href="">linky</a> -</p> -<h4>journal</h4> -<small>last updated 2024-04-10</small> -<p><b>2024-04-09</b></p> -<li>spent summer and winter with my parents</li> -<li>and my sister</li> -<li>and maddy</li> -<li>fell in love and</li> -<li>moved to virginia</li> -<li>backed a trailer up</li> -<li>(it was hard)</li> -<li>...</li> -<li>started exercise</li> -<li>got promoted</li> -<li>spent a lot of time reflecting</li> -<li>gained 12lbs :D</li> -<li>decided to care more</li> -<li>but also less.</li> -<li>looking at a happy place</li> -<li>i'll find a healthy way</li> -<li>to live & talk & breathe</li> -<li>& interact with the things i love</li> -<li>but are so, so bad for me.</li> -<li>guess we'll see!!</li> -<p><b>2023-03-10</b></p> -<li>went up the cali coast</li> -<li>to morro bay, san diego</li> -<li>san francisco, many lakes</li> -<li>and finally, portland!</li> -<li>another friend had a cancer scare</li> -<li>there were layoffs at work</li> -<li>and i've kinda been low on energy</li> -<li>sorry, but not really, i needed my time for me!</li> -<li>started playing bloodbourne!</li> -<li>started developing a new gossip-based service discovery system</li> -<li>fack and i have been talking about microVMs and how cool they are</li> -<li>met a person i've wanted to meet for ages</li> -<li>played a few games of magic the gathering in person!!</li> -<li>decided to get my motorcycle license this year</li> -<li>and finally, now:</li> -<li>i'm living with one of my very best friends on earth</li> -<li>i'm starting to dance again</li> -<p><b>2022-11-05</b></p> -<li>finished version 1 of the van</li> -<li>traveled to the west coast</li> -<li>acquired a small moped</li> -<li>walked on the beach with some of my favorite friends</li> -<li>built a huge sand castle</li> -<li>found burrowing bugs in the beach</li> -<p><b>2022-07-31</b></p> -<li>i looked death in the eyes</li> -<li>i looked birth in the eyes</li> -<li>the world is losing a fierce, loving, amazing woman</li> -<p><b>2022-07-17</b></p> -<li>the house has closed and is no longer mine</li> -<li>purchased a van and a storage container, blog inbound</li> -<li>traveled to south dakota with my madre</li> -<li>got maybe-covid ????</li> -<li>didn't play any video games for a few weeks straight</li> -<li>cut all my hair off again and bleached it again</li> -<li>hung out with my friend maddy a bunch</li> -<li>i've been doing a little better</li> -<li>building a fish at layer zero</li> -<li>learned to solder</li> -<li>played blackjack for the first time with some of my besties</li> -<p><b>2022-05-30</b></p> -<li>managed to sell my house</li> -<li>was sick for a week straight</li> -<li>met some new friends :3</li> -<li>āĻšā§āĻŽā§ (sigh)</li> -<li>beat jump king, but lost the bet</li> -<p><b>2022-04-05</b></p> -<li>moving back to MN to sell all my things</li> -<li>TX is neXT</li> -<p><b>2022-03-28</b></p> -<li>came up with a list of my values</li> -<li>decided to live in a van</li> -<li>decided to sell/give away everything else</li> -<p><b>2022-03-08</b></p> -<li>have been in florida for awhile</li> -<li>decided to sell my house</li> -<li>decided that i value freedom and autonomy</li> -<p><b>2022-02-10</b></p> -<li>going to go to florida for awhile</li> -<p><b>2022-02-04</b></p> -<li>💀💀💀💀💀</li> -<p><b>2022-01-28</b></p> -<li>started friday night crafting @ layer zero</li> -<li>rebuilt my blog :D</li> -<p><b>2022-01-03</b></p> -<li>had thanksgiving</li> -<li>and christmas too</li> -<li>funded and built layer zero</li> -<li>warning: high tide</li> -<p><b>2021-07-23</b></p> -<li>king died. i screamed outside in broad daylight and cut myself with the glass of a picture of his that i broke</li> -<li>moved in with bri <3</li> -<li>bought a miata and a house</li> -<li>started working at digitalocean</li> -<li>working on shrapnl in my offtime</li> -<p><b>2021-03-06</b></p> -<li>feeling old</li> -<li>finally getting my teeth fixed, after years of neglect</li> -<li>thinking about going on psych meds again</li> -<li>struggling</li> -<p><b>2021-01-13</b></p> -<li>had a merry christmas</li> -<p><b>2020-10-07</b></p> -<li>developing a fully libre version of <a href="">capsul</a></li> -<li>made jrss - my feed is <a href="/feeds">here</a></li> -<li>set up a ci/cd system for cyberia <a href="">linky</a></li> -<li>moved in with some of my very good friends</li> +<p>these books update automatically based on my openlibrary account thanks to being a <a href="/thought/my-website-is-one-binary.html">dynamic website</a>. + +<p><small>this page was last updated on 2024-04-29</small></p> </div> -{{end}} +{{ end }}