{{ define "now.html" }} {{ template "head" . }} {{ template "nav" . }} <div id="main"> <h1>what jes doing??? ? ??</h1> this is a <a href="https://nownownow.com/about">nowpage</a>, inspired by <a href="https://sive.rs/">derek sivers</a>. <h2>starting over again</h2> <p>i moved to southern virginia~ <p>the people are different. the weather is different. the culture is different. i've never felt so out of water before - it forces me to confront fear daily. <p>i think that's a good thing. virginia is for lovers. <h2>leading with love</h2> <p>i was recently promoted from an engineer -> people manager. <p>i always resented programming for being logical and cold - my brain is not. <p>my thoughts are soft, chaotic, feeling. i was born with my empathy in overdrive. my anxiety, too. <p>i love growing people. i love taking pain for others. <p>i love nearly everyone i talk to. <p>i hope this doesn't kill me. <h2>reading a few books</h2> {{- range $entry := .Data.CurrentBooks.ReadingLogEntries }} <ul> <li> <a href="https://openlibrary.org{{ $entry.Work.Key }}">{{ $entry.Work.Title | toLower }}</a> </li> </ul> {{- end }} <p>these books update automatically based on my openlibrary account thanks to j3s.sh being a <a href="/thought/my-website-is-one-binary.html">dynamic website</a>. <p><small>this page was last updated on 2024-04-29</small></p> </div> {{ end }}