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Add the lorax review
Jesse Olson
Wed, 09 Feb 2022 12:37:19 +0000




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A review/the-lorax.html

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+the lorax was tight. not only tight, downright good. + +sometimes the fish were a little cringey i guess, they +droned on just a little too long to placate the children. + +the "how bad can i be" track was an absolute banger. +the onceler was the most interesting character, i loved +his weird green outfit. i loved danny devito as the lorax. + +there was a lot of attention to detail, and the message was fun +and good. + +overall it's a comfy movie that's clearly meant to be watched +by children, but i found it pretty enjoyable as an adult. not +like groundbreaking or anything but def sometimes stunning. + +7/10
M templates/reviews.htmltemplates/reviews.html

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ {{define "title"}}jes reviews arbitrary garbage{{end}}

{{define "body"}} <p><i>this is where i review movies, tech stuff, lotion, etc</p></i> <h4>2022</h4> +<li><a href="/review/the-lorax.html">the lorax</a></li> <li><a href="/review/saw-series.html">saw (all of them)</a></li> <h4>2021</h4> <li><a href="/review/spencer.html">spencer</a></li>