small pixel drawing of a pufferfish


my deployment platform is a shell script

like many people, i fell in love with free software
because i could install it. i'd come home from work and
install a bunch of software.

what fun! tee hee! a playground and i'm the prince!

but eventually, relentlessly, it all starts to feel more
like a horror show.

proxmox needs an upgrade! *SPOOKY WIND*
how the fuck does k8s work again?? *SPOOKY CRICKETS*

i'm too old now - i'm more fickle with my time. i like
things that work for years with as little interaction
from me as possible.

when it comes to my own projects, i always prioritize

to that end, i built a little deployment system that i
run on a single virtual machine - it's a shell script!

i run it every minute via cron.

here's the script, in its entirety:


  println() {
    printf "%s\n" "$1" >> /root/gocicd.log

  die() {
    printf "%s\n" "$1" >> /root/gocicd.log
    exit 1

  cd /root
  for project in $(ls go-cicd); do
    cd "/root/go-cicd/$project" >> /root/gocicd.log 2>&1
    git fetch origin >> /root/gocicd.log 2>&1
    if git status | grep -q behind; then
      println "$(date): building $project"
      git merge origin/main ||
        git merge origin/master ||
	  die "could not merge $project"
      go build ||
        die "could not build $project"
      mv "$project" "/usr/local/bin/$project"
      cat <<EOF >/etc/init.d/$project"

      service "$project" restart

whenever i make an upstream change to any of my tracked
projects, it is cloned, built, and running within 60

this gives me a lot of joy. the blog post you're reading
right now was deployed using this system ( is a go

this has worked for many years with no maintenance at

my script will never:
  - go down
  - require an upgrade
  - force me to migrate
  - surprise me
  - keep me up at night

all of this makes jes very happy.

digging in a little, the contents of the go-cicd dir look like this:

  $ ls go-cicd/  jackal                nekobot                vore                  neoarkbot

these are all of my "tracked projects".

to start tracking a new project, i only need to clone a

  $ cd go-cicd
  $ git clone

now whenever a new commit is made to, it is deployed within 60 seconds.


here's a little taste of the log file:

  $ tail -n 5 go-cicd.log
  Thu Feb  8 00:13:12 UTC 2024: building vore
  Fri Feb  9 22:08:25 UTC 2024: building vore
  Mon Apr  8 02:07:00 UTC 2024: building
  Mon Apr  8 02:59:00 UTC 2024: building
  Tue Apr  9 21:11:00 UTC 2024: building vore

cool! i wonder what happened in march.
(oh, i moved to Virginia, right)

i recognize that this script is pretty limited. it can
only deploy golang applications to my alpine system, but
that's exactly the point i'm trying to prove:

a little, specific solution might be  easier to maintain
and straight up more enjoyable than a larger, more
general system.

i spent maybe 10 minutes writing this script in December
of 2021, and i'm proud of how reliable it has been.

consider keeping your little things little.

it worked for little old me.

until next time, with love from virginia,

  lil jes