small pixel drawing of a pufferfish zoa


package shell

import (



// this is used to detect when the script
// name changes from run to run, which allows
// us to prettily-print
var lastScriptPath string
var ctx = context.Background()

// TODO: make dis a git dingy
var rootDir = "test/"

func RunCommands(scriptPath string, r *interp.Runner) {
	script, err := parseFile(scriptPath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error in " + scriptPath)

	// execute every statement individually, decorating
	// each with ->, and doing some speshul logicks against
	// certain strings
	for _, stmt := range script.Stmts {
		cmdName := commandName(stmt)
		command, after, _ := strings.Cut(cmdName, " ")

		if command == "zoa-script" {
			// recursion detected!! :3
			subScriptPath := filepath.Join(rootDir + "scripts/" + after)
			RunCommands(subScriptPath, r)

		if command == "zoa-file" {
			// after = "nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/jesse.conf systemctl nginx reload"
			zoaFileParts := strings.Split(after, " ")
			if len(zoaFileParts) < 2 {
				log.Fatal("zoa-file requires 2+ arguments")
			src := zoaFileParts[0]
			dst := zoaFileParts[1]
			optionalCmd := ""
			if len(zoaFileParts) > 2 {
				optionalCmd = strings.Join(zoaFileParts[2:], " ")
			fmt.Printf("$ zoa-file %s %s\n", src, dst)
			dstChanged, err := zoaCopy(src, dst)
			if err != nil {
			// if there's an optional argument
			if optionalCmd != "" && dstChanged {
				re := strings.NewReader(optionalCmd)
				f, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(re, "")
				if err != nil {

				for _, stmt := range f.Stmts {
					runCommand(ctx, stmt, r)

		// if the script name changed between runs,
		// print it
		if scriptPath != lastScriptPath {
			utils.BluePrintln("-> " + scriptPath)
			lastScriptPath = scriptPath

		fmt.Printf("$ %s\n", cmdName)
		err = r.Run(ctx, stmt)
		if err != nil {
			// ignore err here bc it's just the status code

func parseFile(filename string) (*syntax.File, error) {
	var result = &syntax.File{}
	f, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	defer f.Close()
	result, err = syntax.NewParser().Parse(f, "")
	return result, err

func runCommand(c context.Context, s *syntax.Stmt, r *interp.Runner) {
	name := commandName(s)
	fmt.Printf("$ %s\n", name)
	err := r.Run(c, s)
	if err != nil {

func commandName(statement *syntax.Stmt) string {
	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
	syntax.NewPrinter().Print(b, statement)
	return b.String()

// zoaCopy copies a file from zoaRoot/scripts/src to dst.
// if the dst was changed, zoaCopy will return true,
// otherwise it will return false
// zoaCopy defaults to 0666 for permissions (before umask)
func zoaCopy(src string, dst string) (bool, error) {
	src = filepath.Join(rootDir + "scripts/" + src)
	srcChk, err := utils.ChecksumFile(src)
	if err != nil {
		// source file should always exist, return error
		return false, err
	dstChk, err := utils.ChecksumFile(dst)
	if err != nil {
		// dstfile may not exist for a million
		// reasons, set checksum to blank
		// to force a mismatch
		dstChk = ""

	if srcChk == dstChk {
		fmt.Println("file unchanged")
		return false, nil
	// TODO: pass the file through a templating engine
	// - expand vars
	// - loop support?

	err = utils.Copy(src, dst)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	return true, nil