small pixel drawing of a pufferfish zoa

             ~~ zoa doesn't pretend ~~

   this section is a rant that i'll convert into a blog post tbh

    chef & ansible & puppet & salt all pretend to be
    fully idempotent & declarative, but leave
    actual declarative-ness and idempotence as
    an exercise to the user.

      zoa doesn't pretend. zoa is not idempotent. zoa
      is not declarative. it assumes your state changes
      over time, and zoa makes it easy to keep up with those
      changes. you won't have to look at horrible doc websites
      or commit a week to learning a god

    other config management systems make their users
    feel stupid.

      zoa doesn't. zoa uses shell scripts like every
      single linux distro has used for millenia. it
      has exactly zero dependencies besides zoa itself.

      zoa adheres to standards, and uses well-known
      distro conventions.

      zoa is easy. and simple. and honestly,
      quite a smol guy

    the other tools want to do a lot - search across
    your nodes, deploy via their tooling, automate
    testing, manage AWS resources?!?!?  

      zoa is only concerned with _managing configuration_

      _on servers_

      and nothing else. forever.

    the other tools break constantly because they
    try to do everything.

      zoa breaks rarely because it does almost nothing.

    other tools are slow because they have HUGE runtimes and scopes

      zoa is comparatively fast, because it's just running god dang
      shell scripts :3
      zoa doesn't require:
      - ssh
      - python
      - ruby
      - a chef server or salt master

    other tools abstract too much

      zoa abstracts a few definitely useful functions, but
      otherwise gets out of the way and gives you a light
      framework to speak shell to your systems.

      in zoa, you write plain POSIX shell. Why?
      - posix shell is productive!
      - posix shell is portable!
      - posix shell is the language of system configuration!
      - posix shell is easy to remember!
      - posix shell rarely changes!