small pixel drawing of a pufferfish zoa


package main

import (


var ctx = context.Background()
var rootDir = "test/"

func main() {
	// TODO: this writer is responsible for the random stdout
	// maybe save the stdout for debug mode somehow
	r, err := interp.New(interp.StdIO(nil, os.Stdout, os.Stderr))
	if err != nil {

	// set standard env vars for runtime
	r.Env, err = generateEnv()
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("%+v", r.Env)

	entrypoint := filepath.Join(rootDir, "main")
	runCommands(entrypoint, r)

func generateEnv() (expand.Environ, error) {
	// syscall.Uname _should_ be supported on all *nix systems and is backed
	// by posix
	var env expand.Environ
	uname := syscall.Utsname{}
	err := syscall.Uname(&uname)
	if err != nil {
		return env, err

	// shell := "/bin/sh"?

	// $PATH is annoyingly non-standard, so we hardcode the var
	// to the binary paths described in the fhs standard.
	// in most cases, this will "just work" for people, but special
	// cases should be evaluated - this may need some adjustment in the future.
	// i am resistant to making it over-rideable.
	// users can always call their special binaries with their full paths
	// if they are resistant to moving them for some reason.
	path := envString("PATH", "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin")
	uname_os := envString("OS", charsToString(uname.Sysname[:]))
	uname_release := envString("RELEASE", charsToString(uname.Release[:]))
	uname_arch := envString("ARCH", charsToString(uname.Machine[:]))
	if err != nil {
		return env, err

	// standards are extremely annoying about hostnames.
	// "Note that there is no standard that
	// says that the hostname set by sethostname(2)
	// is the same string as the nodename field of
	// the struct returned by uname() (indeed, some
	// systems allow a 256-byte hostname and an 8-byte
	// nodename), but this is true on Linux. The same
	// holds for setdomainname(2) and the domainname field."
	// in practice, there's usually not a difference between HOSTNAME
	// and NODENAME, so i've chosen to only expose HOSTNAME for the
	// sake of simplicity. i'm using the Golang implementation, which
	// does call out to uname, annoyingly.
	// if this becomes an issue, i'll revisit it. i doubt it though.
	// tldr: i'm ignoring that golang's os.Hostname() implementation
	// isn't standards-compliant by the letter of the law.
	// in actual practice, the hostname and nodename
	// are always identical in every case i've observed.
	// and i'm exposing only 1 because otherwise things get annoying.
	// shrug.
	h, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		return env, err
	uname_hostname := fmt.Sprintf("HOSTNAME=%s", h)

	// OS_* vars may or may not exist depending on the distro in question, so
	// they're not reliable _at all_. they're scraped from /etc/os-release
	// and are useful for identifying specific Linux distros, or their versions.
	// if you rely on these variables, I highly suggest checking for their
	// existence with test -z before utilizing them. there be no standards here.
	os_release, err := getOSRelease()
	if err != nil {
		return env, err
	osReleaseID := envString("OS_RELEASE_ID", os_release.ID)
	osReleaseVersionID := envString("OS_RELEASE_VERSION_ID", os_release.VersionID)

	env = expand.ListEnviron(path, // normie shit
		uname_os, uname_hostname, uname_release, uname_arch, // uname-derivated env vars
		osReleaseID, osReleaseVersionID) // /etc/os-release
	return env, nil

func envString(key string, value string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", key, value)

// I want to keep this list as small as possible, since
// this struct is unreliable.
// design principle: only 1 way to do common things
type OSRelease struct {
	ID        string // distro name - "arch"
	VersionID string // for debian distros, this is set to "22.04"

// getOsRelease parses /etc/os-release data
// into a struct
func getOSRelease() (OSRelease, error) {
	var osr = OSRelease{}
	f, err := os.Open("/etc/os-release")
	if err != nil {
		return osr, err
	defer f.Close()

	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		key, value, _ := strings.Cut(scanner.Text(), "=")
		value = strings.Trim(value, `"`)
		switch key {
		case "ID":
			osr.ID = value
		case "VERSION_ID":
			osr.VersionID = value

	return osr, nil

// this is used to detect when the script
// name changes from run to run, which allows
// us to prettily-print
var lastScriptPath string

func runCommands(scriptPath string, r *interp.Runner) {
	script, err := parseFile(scriptPath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error in " + scriptPath)

	// execute every statement individually, decorating
	// each with ->, and doing some speshul logicks against
	// certain strings
	for _, stmt := range script.Stmts {
		cmdName := commandName(stmt)
		command, after, _ := strings.Cut(cmdName, " ")
		if command == "zoa-script" {
			// recursion detected!! :3
			subScriptPath := filepath.Join(rootDir + "scripts/" + after)
			runCommands(subScriptPath, r)

		// if the script name changed between runs,
		// print it
		if scriptPath != lastScriptPath {
			bluePrintln("  " + scriptPath)
			lastScriptPath = scriptPath

		fmt.Printf("  $ %s\n", cmdName)
		err = r.Run(ctx, stmt)
		if err != nil {

func runCommand(c context.Context, s *syntax.Stmt, r *interp.Runner) {
	name := commandName(s)
	fmt.Printf(" -> %s\n", name)
	err := r.Run(c, s)
	if err != nil {

func commandName(statement *syntax.Stmt) string {
	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
	syntax.NewPrinter().Print(b, statement)
	return b.String()

func parseFile(filename string) (*syntax.File, error) {
	var result = &syntax.File{}
	f, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	defer f.Close()
	result, err = syntax.NewParser().Parse(f, "")
	return result, err

func bluePrintln(s string) {
	colored := fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m", 34, s)

// runStatements takes a file & runs individual
// commands from that file, prepending the decorator
// and returning the first error
// func runScript(file *syntax.File) error {
// fmt.Printf("%s%s\n", decorator, output)
// return nil
// }

func charsToString(arr []int8) string {
	b := make([]byte, 0, len(arr))
	for _, v := range arr {
		if v == 0x00 {
		b = append(b, byte(v))
	return string(b)