small pixel drawing of a pufferfish vore


{{ define "saves" }}
{{ template "head" . }}
{{ template "nav" . }}

{{ $length := len .Data }} {{ if eq $length 0 }}
{{ if .LoggedIn }}
you haven't saved anything yet. :(

use the "save" button to save posts that you like!

vore's save system is unique:
  when you click the "save" button, vore will:
    - submit an request on your behalf for the linked page
    - store the article + archive link together

this ensures that all saved articles will remain
accessible forever!

it also means that you may save the same article
more than once, if you'd like!

currently, saves cannot be deleted.
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .Data }}
	<a href="{{ .ItemURL }}">{{ .ItemTitle }}</a>
	<span class=puny>
		(<a href="{{ .ArchiveURL }}">archived</a>)
	<span class=puny>saved {{ .CreatedAt }} via <a href="//{{ .ItemURL | printDomain }}">{{ .ItemURL | printDomain }}</a></span>
{{ end }}

{{ template "tail" . }}
{{ end }}