small pixel drawing of a pufferfish vore



 [ ] GET /discover
   (similar to sourcehut's "featured projects")
 [ ] GET /
   logged out:
     describe what vore is & why it's cool, tell ppl to sign up
     discover (list of top20 most popular feeds on vore)
   logged in:
     discover (list of top20 most popular feeds on vore)
 [x] GET /login
   form (existing account): username & password
   form (new account): username & password
   built & maintained by jes
 [x] POST /login
     add session cookie
     redirect to /{username}
     log an existing user in, add session cookie, redirect to /{username}
     login failure, redirect to /login
 [x] POST /logout
   delete session cookie if exists
   redirect to /
   TODO: expire session_token from db eventually
 [x] POST /register
     add session cookie
     redirect to /
   add new user & hashed password to database
   register failure: redirect to /login
   TODO: validate user input

 [ ] GET /feeds
   > if no feeds, /discover for ideas
   pretty-print your feeds
   <text box with pre-populated list of your feed urls, one per line>
   button: validate
   POST /feeds/validate
   logged out: unauthorized. click here to login.

 [ ] POST /feeds/validate
    make sure each url is resolvable
    check if feed exists in db already
      if it does, do nothing
      if it doesn't, attempt fetching it
      TODO: validate that title exists
    redir -> /feeds/validate
    logged out: 401 unauthorized

 [ ] GET /feeds/validate
    shows feed diff
    "if this all looks correct, hit submit:"
    button: submit
    POST /feeds/submit
    logged out: 401 unauthorized

 [ ] POST /feeds/submit
   writes desired feeds to database
   subscribes user to feeds
   redir -> /feeds
    logged out: 401 unauthorized

 [ ] GET /{username}
   display a users feed items by date, maybe in a table?
   -> there is a button to view the feed an article came from

 extra: tool for looking up feed from website

 fetch feeds every ~90m

  unauth'd: login
  auth'd: my feeds | login

   user      (id, username, password, session_token, created_at)
   feed      (id, url, fetch_error, created_at, created_by)
   subscribe (id, user, feed, created_at, created_by)