small pixel drawing of a pufferfish vore


{{ define "index" }}
{{ template "head" . }}
{{ template "nav" . }}
<p> is a minimal web-based rss/atom feed reader.

- subscribe to feeds
- view posts chronologically
- save stuff that interests you

no unread indicators, no choresome tagging system - no bullshit. is free for anyone to use,
  and will never be turned into a vehicle for profit.

<3  <a href="">j3s</a>



- ->
- make save async
- replace "discover" with "finger"


i have save support & reworked the UI a little

vore "saves" work like so:
  - you click save
  - the post title + link are saved to db
  - the post is archived via
  - the archive link is saved to the db

this way, anything that you save _should_ be
available basically indefinitely.

i wanted a way to save nice posts & prevent link
rot - the vore save feature is a convenient way
to do that.


forest prompted me to dig into why vore's performance
was so shitty - i dug in & uncovered an infinite loop
bug in the rss library i was using! the bug has been
reported & squashed

everything should be fast again!


hey ya'll, sorry for that outage!
i was on vacation & when i got back,
work was on fire. this is the first
actually free moment i've had for awhile.

i'm so happy that so many of you use
this website, i feel very grateful for
your presence.
{{ template "tail" . }}
{{ end }}