small pixel drawing of a pufferfish pa


# test - a pa test script

export PA_DIR=test-stuff/passwords

# clean up previous run
# (the previous state is left around
# intentionally, in case the dev
# wants to poke around)
# that's why we don't clean up on exit
rm -rf test-stuff

# pa welcomes you
./pa | grep -q "a simple password manager" ||
    printf "pa should print a welcome message\n"

# generate pa dirs/identityfile/recipientfile
./pa list

# pa auto-generated files are correct
test -s test-stuff/identities ||
    printf "an identities file should exist\n"

test -s test-stuff/recipients ||
    printf "a recipients file should exist\n"

test -d "$PA_DIR/.git" ||
    printf "git dir should exist\n"
# TODO: ensure git author/email are set correctly, etc

# pa add
printf 'y' | ./pa add test 2>&1 >/dev/null ||
    printf "pa add should be capable of adding a test password\n"

test "$(printf y | $pa add nested/password 2>&1)" = "\
Generate a password? [y/N]: y
Saved 'nested/password' to the store." ||
    printf 'pa add should say it stored nested/password\n'

test -s test-stuff/passwords/nested/password.age ||
    printf 'pa add should create an encrypted password file\n'

# pa list
./pa list | grep -q test ||
    printf "pa list should list the test password\n"

test "$(./pa list)" = "nested/password
test" ||
    printf 'pa list output should match example\n'

# ensure git commits are working
git -C test-stuff/passwords log | grep -q "add 'nested/password'" ||
    printf "git log should have line: add 'nested/password'\n"