small pixel drawing of a pufferfish


{{- define "title" }}{{- end }}
{{- define "body" }}
<h4><p>hello. my name is jes. welcome to my little piece of the internet.</p></h4>
<marquee><p><i>i am Government Man, come from the government. the government has sent me</p></i></marquee>
<marquee direction="right"><p><i>I don't wanna behaaave and I'm don't wanna live up to your ssstandards</p></i></marquee>
<h4>email me!</h4>
<p>i love getting email. from anyone. from you! it's my favorite way to talk. email me anything! seriously!</p>
<h4>important quotes</h4>
<p><i>unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. it's not.</i></p>
<p><i>the only way out is through</p></i>
<p><i>fear  is  the  mind  killer</p></i>
<p><i>everything i do is stitched with her color</p></i>
<h4>recent posts from my friends on the web</h4>
{{- range $feed := .FriendFeeds }}
    <a href="{{ (index .Items 0).Link }}">{{ (index .Items 0).Title }}</a>
    {{- if $feed.Title }}
    <small> | {{ $feed.Title }}</small>
    {{- else if $feed.Description }}
    <small> | {{ $feed.Description }}</small>
    {{- end }}
{{- end }}
<p><i>note to my friends: add a blog title pl0x :D</i></p>
{{- end }}