{{define "title"}}existentialcrisis.sh{{end}} {{define "body"}} <p>existentialcrisis.sh is a powerful API toolkit that you may use if you'd like to have an existential crisis.</p> <p>The below tools should all be very helpful in triggering an existential crisis. They are used inadvertently by the author every day.</p> <hr> <h3>receive a quote that may induce existential dread</h3> <pre>GET <a href="/api/v1/crisis/quote">/api/v1/crisis/quote</a></pre> <hr> <h3>estimate the percentage of life you have lived</h3> <pre>GET <a href="/api/v1/crisis/percentage?age=29">/api/v1/crisis/percentage?age=X</a> X = your age (1-100)</pre> <hr> <h3>estimate the number of saturdays remaining</h3> <pre>GET <a href="/api/v1/crisis/saturday?age=29">/api/v1/crisis/saturday?age=X</a> X = your age (1-100)</pre> <hr> <h3>estimate the number of people who will remember you in a given number of years</h3> <pre>GET <a href="/api/v1/crisis/remember?age=29&years=100">/api/v1/crisis/remember?age=X&years=Y</a> X = your age (1-100) Y = number of years from now (1-1000)</pre> <hr> <sub>❤ made with love and sadness by <a href="https://j3s.sh">j3s</a></sub> {{end}}