small pixel drawing of a pufferfish dotfiles


# input: us-east-1a   i-0a7eb3896d61b4d22     Krakencld-app-ASG-A     running m5.large        None    browse_test
# ssh's to hosts listed from jws-grep output

if ! [ -z "$1" ]; then
	echo "This script cannot be used interactively"
	exit 1

tmux set default-shell "/bin/sh"
# tmux new-window 'sleep 0.1'
while IFS='$\n' read -r i; do
	ip=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $2}')
	tmux split-window "ssh $ip"
	tmux select-layout tiled
tmux set -u default-shell
# tmux select-layout tiled
# tmux setw synchronize-panes on

# todo?
# if one result, directly ssh
# if more than one result, do new window tmux madness